
Wellhead panels for Tyra Future

 are the second largest order in history.

Wellhead panels for Tyra Future are the second largest order in history.


The order comes at a time when HYTOR has felt the pressured oil and gas market in Denmark for an extended period. HR Manager Henrik Larsen states: “We have long desired a higher level of activity. We have, of course, felt the slowdown in the oil and gas market, so we look forward to a higher level of activity again.


The order, along with several activities in Qatar and the launch of a new tool concept, will increase the level of activity throughout the organization and will also mean hiring more staff. “Overall, we have the resources for the task, but with this order combined with the increased activity in other business areas and our mission to maintain our flexibility as a supplier, we wish to scale up,” states HR Manager Henrik Larsen. He is supported by Division Manager Johnny Rosenvinge-Grønne, who says: “

We have an incredibly strong team today, well-equipped for tasks like these,” and continues, “But as a department, we also play a major role in engineering and project work for our activities in Qatar, which is also undergoing extremely positive development, so from a future perspective, we want to expand the staff in Engineering as well.” With the order for complete Well Head panels for the Tyra Future project, it will not only increase activity at HYTOR but will also mean increased activity for subcontractors. “We have skilled partners who will, of course, also be part of this project,” says Logistics Manager Dorte M. Jensen, adding, “

We outsource the tasks that make sense to place with skilled partners, for example, steelwork.” The order for Tyra Future for complete Well Head panels includes Well Head control, Hydraulic Power Units, and accumulators and is a highly documentation-heavy project, which places high demands on traceability for both HYTOR and subcontractors.

Hytor quote
We are proud to bring this order home.
CEO Niels G. Langerhuus

That a company our size, in competition with large international competitors, has managed to secure this order and ensure that an order like this for Tyra Future is locally anchored, naturally brings a smile to our faces." During the period of low activity in the Danish oil and gas market, HYTOR has used the time to equip the company for an increasingly competitive market and increased internationalization, which includes both optimization of processes and implementation of new digital systems. "We are a company in process, in the sense that we are aware of the rapidly increasing digitization that is happening, and we naturally want to be part of that as a company" he continues, "At the same time, it is also certainly significant for our export projects to win an order for an international platform builder, and even in competition with large international companies." He concludes, "It is a reference we are incredibly proud of."

The order for complete wellhead control for Tyra Future includes 5 HPU (Hydraulic Power Units) plants, 4 accumulator units, and 4 Well Head panels. The order is to be delivered in two batches with a month's interval in the first half of 2019. The delivery also includes on-site installation of the Well Head panels on Batam, Indonesia, where the platforms for the Tyra Future project are being built.

Total is the operator of the Tyra oil field in the North Sea and has initiated a reconstruction of this particular field. This project has been named Tyra Future. The reconstruction of the Tyra field is expected to take place from 2019 to 2022. 

HYTOR has for several decades supplied solutions and components to the Danish oil and gas industry, including Mærsk Oil & Gas, which was most recently acquired by the French company Total.

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